The South Coast ESD Youth Transition Program (YTP), in cooperation with the South Coast Food Share (SCFS), a program of Oregon Coast Community Action is happy to announce we will be opening at North Bend High School. The food pantry will be available to North Bend High School students/families with the purpose to help families in our school community access food as needed in a warm, welcoming environment.
How can you access the Bulldog Youth Pantry?
- Students can visit the pantry any day by checking in with Melissa in room 28 first before lunch.
- Families of North Bend High students can visit the pantry Monday, Wednesday, and Friday’s after school by making an appointment.
- Families must sign in at the front office when coming to access the pantry.
- The Bulldog Youth Pantry is located in room 28
- If these times do not work please feel free to contact the Youth Transition Specialist, Melissa Downs at 541-751-7155 to arrange an alternate time.
North Bend School District families may call and set up an appointment to get a food box with Melissa as well.
Who and What is YTP?
- The Youth Transition Program (YTP) is a comprehensive transition program for youth with disabilities operated collaboratively by Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VR), the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), the University of Oregon (U of O), and local school districts statewide in Oregon. The purpose of the program is to prepare youth with disabilities for employment or career related post-secondary education or training. YTP will be funding the purchase of monthly food with monies provided by Vocational Rehabilitation. We appreciate their continued support of our program and our local youth.
Donations and Support!
We will be accepting donations of nonperishable food as well as monetary donations to support the continued purchase of food from the food bank. Some of the items our youth have requested are:
- Canned Fruit
- Canned/Boxed Meals- chili, pasta, soup, ravioli, beef stew, chicken & dumplings, etc.
- Cereal (cold or hot) – mini boxes, microwavable oatmeal, etc.
- Shelf Stable Milk
- Individual Sized foods- cereal bars, fruit snacks, cheese/ peanut butter crackers, pop tarts, fruit and pudding cups
- Peanut Butter / Jelly
- Microwaveable meals,
- Individual size 100% juice
- Tuna/chicken,
- Macaroni and cheese
- Popcorn
- Bread
Any donation of Powdered laundry detergent and household toiletries are also appreciated!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Melissa Downs at 541-751- 7155 or mdowns@nbend.k12.or.us
This institution is an equal opportunity provider
For ways to support or donate to the Bulldog Youth Pantry please contact Melissa @ mdowns@nbend.k12.or.us or SCFS @ (541) 435-7754 SouthCoastFoodShare@orcca.us
Thank you for your support!