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About Us


The North Bend High School: Bridges Alternative Pathways Program is designed to meet the needs of today's learner. A space where every student is welcomed and every student belongs. A program that meets students where they are, develops a plan for the future, and relentlessly pursues the goal of graduation and preparation for the next step in life. Bridges students will choose a pathway that will result in integrated instruction, connected experiences, internships, and job placements.


  • All students deserve a safe, caring environment in which to learn

  • Instruction should be motivating, innovative & effective

  • Opportunities must be relevant, equitable & meaningful

  • Learning and education is the key to personal and economic success

  • Self-motivation and self-management are necessary skills to have a successful life


  1. Each year students, with family and teachers, will collaboratively develop & review personal education goals using student data.

  2. Provide multiple options for high school completion that meet the varying needs of all stake holders while remaining centered around student engagement and real-world application.

  3. Become a premier program in Coos County, through partnerships, Career and Technical Education pathways, and blended delivery methods to ensure transition from students to contributing members of society.


  • A caring environment with smaller class sizes and teacher support.

  • Structured learning environment with access to core classes and electives.

  • Support and access to opportunities such as WIN Learning, online college courses, and Vector workplace trainings.

  • Support in forming goals and plans for after graduation.